Tag Archives: Spock

Sunday Comic Character: In Memoriam Leonard Nimoy

Something I’ve wanted to do for a while, is on Sundays, honor a single character from the greater comic-verse. And while the greats will get their time eventually, I want to focus more on the lesser known characters, the guys and gals who keep the universe running while the spotlight is elsewhere.

Unfortunately, we all have heard of the tragic event on Friday. One of the 4 Horsemen of my childhood geek-dom has died. Scotty has beamed up Leanord Nimoy one last time. He had a massive impact on our community as a whole (our community being that of nerds, geeks and others often portrayed as socially awkward, to varying degrees truthfulness). To top it off, his last message on twitter was hauntingly beautiful and gave the impression that he knew that his time was up.
“A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP” (which is Live Long and Prosper, a common saying he had in his iconic role as Mr. Spock on Star Trek). It is safe to say, that at 83 years of age, he had lived long and prospered. And while we could not preserve this fine specimen in reality, we can preserve him in memory. My condolences to his friends and family, his loss is felt by us all, even if his impact on us wasn’t as personal as it was for you.

In honor of one of my biggest personal influences in getting my child self into geek-dom (along with Patrick Stewart, Stan Lee and George Takei), my first Sunday Comic Character is going to be Mr. Spock. While this may shock many of you, there was a run of Star Trek comics. Paramount Comics was a co-owned company between Marvel and Paramount Studios. During this run there were comics from almost every TV series at the time, along with a couple unique runs (Starfleet Academy for example) and two crossovers, Star Trek/X-Men and Star Trek: The Next Generation/X-Men Second Contact. There were also two Star Trek series of comics run by DC, based heavily off of Star Trek: The Original Series and Star Trek: The Next Generation. He is one of the main characters for DC’s Star Trek: TOS, and a main character in Star Trek/X-Men as well as a minor supporting character in Starfleet Academy for Marvel. Spock is is vital in hand-to-hand combat and his “hunches” are well thought out and usually quite accurate. Able to get under the skins of those he works with (Such as Leonard “Bones” McCoy) for his unerring need for accuracy and generally cold demeanor (by Human standards) due to his Vulcan upbringing. He was born in the year 2232, to a Vulcan father and Human mother. Throughout his career in Starfleet, he has assumed control of the Enterprise on multiple occasions, usually while Kirk would be getting in some form of trouble on another planet. He also faced a court marshal and death penalty at one point, but the charges were later dropped and he resumed his role as First Officer on the Enterprise.

It should be known that while the comics are there, what was seen on T.V. and the Movies are considered canon, and in the comic-verse it is only considered canon if it doesn’t contradict the T.V. and Movies (one of the only characters to appear in both the big screen and comics where the big screen is considered canon).

I plan on making the Sunday Comic Character a weekly thing, but please bear with me, as sometimes life may get in the way and two articles a week on some weeks may be a little much, as I am but one man (and if it is, it will likely be this one that gets the cut). I hope you all enjoyed this rather short read, and may you all Live Long and Prosper.